Privacy And Policy

This document governs the privacy notice of our website:

Our privacy notice tells you about the many categories of personal data (PD) and non-personal data (NPD) that we may collect from you, how we collect it, how we protect it, how we share it, how you may access and change it, and how you can limit our sharing of it. Additionally, our privacy notice explains some of your legal rights concerning your data. Any capitalized terms not explicitly mentioned here will have the same meaning as elsewhere on our website.

Your Rights

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other regulations, you may have special rights while using our website and giving personal data to us. Depending on the legal basis for processing your personal data, you may have any or all of the following rights:

The right to be informed

You have the right to be informed about the personal information we gather about you and how we use it.

The right of access

You have the right to receive confirmation that your personal data and access to your personal data are being processed.

The right to rectification

If your personal data is erroneous or incomplete, you have the right to have it remedied.

The right to erasure (right to be forgotten)

You have the right to request that your personal data be removed or deleted if there is no compelling reason for us to continue processing it.

The right to restrict processing

You have the right to ‘block’ or limit the processing of your personal information. When your personal data is limited, we can retain it but not further handle it.

The right to data portability

You have the right to request and get the personal data you supplied to us for your use. We will provide your data within 30 days of receiving your request. Don’t hesitate to contact us using the information at the top of this privacy notice to request your personal data.

The right to object

For the following reasons, you have the right to object to us processing your personal data:

  • Processing was performed in the public interest or the exercise of official power (including profiling)
  • Direct marketing (including profiling)
  • Processing for scientific/historical research and statistics.
  • Rights in automated decision-making and profiling.

Automated individual decision-making and profiling

You will have the right not to be subjected to a decision based purely on automated processing, including profiling, that has legal consequences or a comparably substantial impact on you.


Non-personal data (NPD) cannot be used to identify a specific individual.

An identifiable natural person can be identified, directly or indirectly, by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or one or more factors specific to that natural person’s physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identity. PD is similar to Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in many aspects. PD, on the other hand, has a greater reach and includes more data.

A “visitor” is someone who looks around our website. A “member” has signed up to utilize or purchase our services and goods. The term “user” refers to a group identification related to a visitor or a member.

Information We Collect:

You have complete discretion over the quantity and type of information you supply to us while using our website.

Our Legal Basis for Collecting and Processing Personal Data:

Our legal basis for collecting and processing your PD when you purchase our products or services is the performance of a contract or the taking of measures to get into a contract. Consent is our legal basis for collecting and processing your personal information when you sign up for our newsletter and information about our products and services via our website opt-in forms.

What Happens If You Don’t Give Us Your PD:

We may only be able to offer you some of our products and services if you supply us with adequate PD. You can, however, view and utilize some elements of our website without providing us with your PD.

We Collect Your PD in the Following Ways:

Automatic Information

We acquire information from your web browser or mobile device automatically. This information includes the name of the website from which you accessed our website and the name of the website from which you will depart from our website. This information may also include your computer’s IP address/the proxy server you use to access the Internet, the name of your Internet service provider, the type of web browser you use, the type of mobile device you use, your computer operating system, and data about your browsing activities when using our website. This information is used to study visitor patterns to enhance our website.

When Entering and Using Our Website

When you visit and use our website and choose to accept cookies, some may include your personal information.

When Buying Products or Services

We gather your first and last name, email address, physical address, credit card or other payment information, phone number, and other information mentioned if you purchase items or services from us.

Our Use of Cookies

Cookies are used on this website. When you visit certain websites, a cookie is a bit of data or a text file transferred to your computer or mobile device. Cookies may contain content that the web server that supplied the cookie to you may view. The content in the cookie is often a sequence of characters and numbers that uniquely identifies your computer or mobile device; it may also contain additional information.

By agreeing to our usage of cookies, you grant us and third parties with whom we collaborate permission to set, store, and access any or all of the cookies indicated below on your computer.

Strictly Necessary Cookies

These cookies are required for the website to work correctly, such as displaying content, logging in, authenticating your session, replying to your service request, and performing other duties. Cookies can be turned off in the majority of web browsers. However, if you deactivate certain cookies, you may not use some aspects of our website correctly.

Performance Cookies

These cookies capture how visitors interact with the website, such as pages viewed, traffic sources, user interests, content management, and other website metrics.

Functional Cookies

These cookies allow the website to remember a user’s decisions when using the website, such as their language, user name, and other personal preferences. They can also be used to provide services, such as allowing users to create blog posts, listen to audio, or watch videos on the website.

Media Cookies

These cookies can be used to improve a website’s speed and deliver extra features and content. They might be deployed by third-party service providers or by our organization.

Advertising or Targeting Cookies

These cookies are often used by advertising businesses to create a profile of your browsing preferences and deliver adverts on other websites relevant to your preferences. If you turn off these cookies, you will see less advertising.

Session Cookies

These cookies enable websites to link a user’s actions during a browser session. They may be used for several functions, including remembering what a user has placed in their shopping basket while browsing a website. Session cookies also allow users to be identified as they explore a website so that any modifications they make to items or pages are remembered from page to page. Session cookies expire at the end of a browser session, so they are not saved indefinitely.

Persistent Cookies

These cookies are retained on a user’s device during browser sessions, allowing the user’s preferences or activities to be remembered across a site (or, in some situations, across many places). Persistent cookies can be used for several purposes, such as remembering a user’s selections and preferences when visiting a website or targeting advertisements.

Cookies may also be used for:

  • Identifying the areas of our website that you have visited
  • Personalizing content that you see on our website
  • Our website analytics
  • Remarketing our products or services to you
  • Remembering your preferences, settings, and login details
  • Targeted advertising and serving ads relevant to your interests
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Allowing you to post comments
  • Allowing you to share content with social networks

Cookies can be turned off in the majority of web browsers. However, if you deactivate cookies, you may not use certain features on our website correctly.

Web Beacons

We may also use web beacons to collect general information about your usage of our website and your participation in unique campaigns or mailings. We can statistically track the number of persons who open our emails thanks to the information collected by web beacons. Web beacons also assist us in understanding our customers’, members’, and visitors’ activity.

Google Ad and Content Network Privacy Notice

Third-party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on a user’s past visits to our website. Google’s use of the DoubleClick cookie enables it and its partners to serve ads to our users based on their visits to our site and other sites on the Internet.

Google Analytics Privacy Notice

Google Analytics is used on our website to collect information about how visitors use it. Google Analytics gathers information from users such as age, gender, hobbies, demographics, how frequently they visit our website, what pages they view, and what other websites they visit before visiting our website. We utilize Google Analytics data to evaluate traffic, remarket our products and services to consumers, optimize our marketing and advertising, and improve our website. We’ve enabled Google Analytics advertising tools, including remarketing, Google Display Network Impression Reporting, and Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting. Google Analytics gathers your IP address on the date you visit our website, not your name or other identifiable information. We do not combine information collected from Google Analytics with PD. Although Google Analytics places a persistent cookie on your web browser to recognize you as a unique user the next time you visit our website, the cookie can only be read by Google.

Google Remarketing

Why am I seeing ads by Google for products I’ve viewed?

A remarketing advertising solution is used on our website. Google and other firms who display our adverts on websites throughout the Internet supply our remarketing service. You may see advertisements for our items you have previously viewed through remarketing. For example, assume you visit a website that offers computers but does wait to purchase one on your first visit. The website’s owner may like to persuade you to return to their website and buy a computer by displaying their adverts on other websites you visit. Remarketing serves a similar role for us. To do this, Google will either read an existing cookie in your browser or install a cookie when you visit.

Facebook Remarketing

Third parties, including Facebook, may use cookies, web beacons, and other storage technologies to collect or receive information from our website and other online locations and then use that information to offer measurement services and target advertisements. You may see our adverts on Facebook after visiting our website if you use Facebook retargeting. This is accomplished through a Custom Audience Pixel, enabled when visitors visit a webpage and a unique “cookie” is stored in their browser. We may use Facebook lookalike audience targeting to show advertisements on Facebook to people similar to those who have previously visited or purchased from our website. To opt out of Facebook’s collection and use of information for ad targeting, visit:

How Your Information Is Used

We use the information we receive from you to:

  • Provide the products and services you have requested or purchased from us
  • Personalize and customize our content
  • Make improvements to our website
  • Contact you with updates to our website, products, and services
  • Resolve problems and disputes
  • Contact you with marketing and advertising that may interest you.

Communications and Emails

We will use the email address you supplied when you registered as a member or user to communicate with you about our website. Unless you have opted out, we may also send you emails with promotional information about our website or offers from us or our affiliates. You can modify your contact choices at any time by logging into your account or sending an email to

Sharing Information With Affiliates and Other Third Parties

We do not sell or rent your personal information to other parties for marketing reasons. However, we may use your NPD for data aggregation purposes, which we may market to third parties at our discretion. Any such data aggregation would not include any of your personal information. We may disclose your personal information to third-party service providers we contract to offer services to us. Payment processors, online analytics organizations, advertising networks, contact centers, data management services, help desk providers, accountants, legal firms, auditors, shopping cart and email service providers, and shipping companies are examples of third-party service providers.

Legally Required Releases of Information

We may be legally required to disclose your PD if such disclosure is (a) required by subpoena, law, or another legal process; (b) necessary to assist law enforcement officials or government enforcement agencies; (c) necessary to investigate violations of or otherwise enforce our Legal Terms; (d) necessary to protect us from legal action or claims from third parties, including you and other users or members; or (e) necessary to protect the legal rights, personal/real property, or reputation of you or other users or members.

Disclosures to Successors

If our company is sold or merges in whole or in part with another company responsible for serving you with the website, we have the right to transfer your PD to the new company. The new business would maintain the right to use your information per the provisions of this privacy notice and any amendments to this privacy notice implemented by the new business. We also reserve the right to transfer your PD if our company declares bankruptcy and any or all of our assets are transferred to another person or firm.

Community Discussion Boards

Our website may allow users to communicate with one another via online community discussion boards or other means. We do not censor or monitor the content posted on such message boards. Suppose you choose to post on these discussion boards. In that case, you should exercise caution when revealing personal information, as our privacy notice does not cover such information. We are not accountable if you disclose your data through such comments. Furthermore, any PD you publish for publication on our website may be accessible globally via the Internet. We cannot prohibit others from using or misusing such information.

Retaining and Destroying Your PD

We only keep the information we gather from you (including your personal information) for as long as we need it for legal, commercial, or tax purposes. Your information may be kept in electronic, paper, or a combination of both formats. We will discard, delete, or erase your information when we no longer require it.

Updating Your PD

You can update your PD utilizing our website’s services. If such services do not exist, please get in touch with us using the details at the top of this privacy notice, and we will assist you. We may, however, retain your PD as necessary to enforce our agreements and comply with any legal requirements.

Revoking Your Consent for Using Your PD

You have the right to cancel your consent for us to use your PD at any time. Such an opt-out will not affect disclosures otherwise permissible by law, including, but not limited to:

  • Disclosures to affiliates and business partners
  • disclosures to third-party service providers that provide certain services for our business, such as credit card processing, computer system services, shipping, data management services
  • disclosures to third parties as necessary to fulfill your requests
  • disclosures to governmental agencies or law enforcement departments, or as otherwise required to be made under applicable law
  • previously completed disclosures to third parties
  • disclosures to third parties in connection with subsequent contests or promotions you may choose to enter or third-party offers you may accept. If you want to revoke your consent for us to use your PD, send us an email with your request to

Protecting the Privacy Rights of Third Parties

Suppose any of your postings on our website contain information about third parties. In that case, you must ensure that you have permission to include such material. While we are not legally responsible for our users’ behavior, we will remove any postings about which we are told they infringe on the privacy rights of others.

Do Not Track Settings

Some web browsers allow you to request that our website not monitor your movement inside our website. When communicated to and recognized by our website, such settings are ignored. You may turn off tracking features and other security settings in your browser by consulting the user manual for your browser.

Links to Other Websites

Links to other websites may be found on our website. These sites are not under our control or covered by our privacy statement. These websites will very certainly have their privacy policies. We take no responsibility for these websites and provide links to them for your convenience. You agree that using and accessing these websites is entirely at your own risk. You must review the privacy policies of these websites to determine how they handle your personal information.

Protecting Children’s Privacy

Even though our website is not intended for use by anybody under 16, we recognize that a kid under 16 may seek to access it. We never collect PD from minors under the age of 16. Please notify us if you are a parent or guardian and feel your kid is accessing our website. To avoid fraudulent removal of account information, we may request identification verification before removing any data. If we learn that a minor is using our website, we will remove their information immediately. You agree that we do not check the age of our users and have no obligation to do so.

Our Security Policy

To safeguard the security of your PD, we created our website with industry-standard security features and authentication mechanisms. We, as well as third-party service providers, employ technological and physical precautions to secure your PD. We will encrypt your credit card information before it goes over the Internet using industry-standard technology for performing secure online transactions when we collect it through our website. Because of the nature of the Internet, we cannot guarantee against the loss or abuse of your PD or safe data transfer.

Keep any password for our website private, and not share it with anybody. When you have finished using our website, you should always log out.

Use of Your Credit Card

You may be required to furnish a credit card to purchase items and services from our website. We employ third-party billing providers over which we have no control. We make commercially reasonable measures to keep your credit card number secret by utilizing only third-party billing systems that employ industry-standard encryption technology to prevent illegal use of your credit card data. You acknowledge and accept, however, that we are not liable for any abuse of your credit card details.

Transferring PD From the European Union

(PD) that we collect from you may be kept, processed, and transmitted between any of our operating countries, especially the United States. The European Union has determined that the United States and several other nations do not provide appropriate protection for personal data under Article 45 of the GDPR. Derogations for specified instances, as stated in Article 49 of the GDPR, are used by our organization. Your PD may be moved outside the European Union to the United States and other countries for European Union clients and users with your permission. We will use your PD to provide the products, services, and information you request from us to execute a contract with you or to meet our company’s legitimate interests in a way that does not infringe on your freedoms and rights. We shall take reasonable precautions to protect your PD wherever it is transferred, processed, or stored. The information we gather from you will be used in line with our privacy notice. You consent to the transfers of your PD outlined in this section by using our website, services, or goods.

Changes to Our Privacy Notice

This privacy notice is subject to modification at any moment. Suppose our firm decides to amend this privacy notice. In that case, we will update our website so that our users and customers are constantly aware of what information we collect, use, and disclose. Suppose we tell or use your PD in a manner other than that stated when it was received. In that case, we will notify you through email (delivered to your account’s email address on file). Otherwise, we will use and disclose our users’ and customers’ personal information by the privacy notice in force when the data is obtained. Your continued use of our website, services, and goods following any modification to this privacy notice will represent your acceptance of such change.

Questions About Our Privacy Notice

Please get in touch with us using the information at the top of this privacy notice if you have any queries regarding our privacy policy.

Copyright © Savesaga. This document or any portion of it may be copied or duplicated without a license from

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